Learn from customer interactions to understand and anticipate their needs.
Find Out HowJenny is a typical SEG customer, but we know more about her unique behavior because of the data we have from our rewards program. We know where, when and how Jenny shops.
We also know what marketing and channels she responds to and the types of content and offers she values most.
From this data we can start to build a profile for Jenny and tailor a personalized, connected and relevant customer experience for her. We can learn from her interactions and understand and anticipate her needs and of those customers like her.
Meet Jenny, a typical SEG customer

We know where, when and how Jenny shops based on our rewards program data
Eagle Eye gathers information on Jenny and creates a customized digital wallet.
We have the tools to create a personalized marketing experience.
Key Channels
We also know what channels Jenny responds to and the types of offers she values the most.

69% Female
30% Male
1% Non-binary

65% | White |
19% | Black |
13% | Hispanic |
3% | Other |

basket size

7M Active Shoppers
within the last

88% of sales
are with a
rewards account

18-24 | 10% |
25-34 | 14% |
35-44 | 14% |
45-54 | 16% |
55-64 | 21% |
65+ | 25% |